Need business financing? We can help!

No matter where you are at in your business planning or growth Community Futures Mount Waddington can help with financing. Financing and support are available to start, grow or purchase a business.

Community Futures Lending Program

Our lending program assists local entrepreneurs in obtaining the financing they need to develop and enhance their businesses. CFMW provides repayable funding to entrepreneurs for working capital, equipment purchase or lease, and business start-up, purchase or expansion.

  • Loans and/or equity investment from $5000.00 to $2,000,000.
  • Micro-Loan Fund – up to $10,000 for small or home-based ventures.
  • Competitive interest rates.
  • Repayment terms up to a maximum of 5 years are tailored to suit individual business needs.
  • Financing available for business start-up, expansion or succession.
  • Business Counselling and ongoing support – free and confidential.

Do I Qualify?

  • Is your business idea strong, realistic and workable?
  • Is your business located in the Community Futures Mount Waddington service area?
  • Do you have the necessary skills, talents and experience?
  • Are you 19 years of age, or in the case of a minor, do you have a cosigner?
  • Are you a Canadian Citizen or permanent resident?
  • Is viability demonstrated through a business plan?
  • Do you have a reasonable personal investment?
  • Can you provide adequate security?

Client Highlights

Loan Process

What Happens Next?

  1. A meeting with a CFMW Business Analyst to discuss business concept.
  2. The completion of a Loan Application Form.
  3. The creation of a Business Plan – including budget and cash flow projections (which CFMW can assist with).
  4. The Business Analyst prepares a loan proposal, which is presented to a community-based, volunteer Loans Review Committee for consideration.
  5. A Letter of Offer is presented to the applicant.
  6. Legal paperwork and security registration are undertaken before funds are dispersed.

Loan Application

The staff at Community Futures is here to help you complete this loan application.

Get started on the application using this link, or come down to our office at 14-311 Hemlock Street and we can provide you with a paper copy of the loan application. Still have questions? Contact us to find out more.

Loan Application Form

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Am I eligible for a business loan?

    Loans are based on your current financial standing, the nature of your business, the security available, the amount you are personally able to invest and the strength of your business plan. Like other lenders Community Futures is guided by the “Five C’s:” Capacity, Character, Credit, Collateral and Capital.

  • How much can I borrow?

    Community Futures supports micro or home-based businesses which may only require minimal financing. At the same time we can also support much larger investments which could require hundreds of thousands in financing.

  • How long will it be before I can expect to have the funds?

    Community Futures has the ability to expedite financing decisions. Once you have completed all the necessary documentation and we have received it, you can expect your financing within 10 – 20 business days.

  • What interest rate will I be charged?

    On most loans Community Futures interest rates vary based on the prime lending rate. Amortization may vary, but won’t normally exceed a five-year term. Lending rates may vary depending on external financial conditions.

  • How much cash would I be expected to bring to the table if I am applying for a loan?

    Community Futures normally looks for an owner investment of 20%. The investment requirement will vary depending on the size and risk level of the loan required.

Loan Appeal Process

  1. CFMW Loan Appeals Process

    Should an applicant’s loan proposal be turned down at any stage by the Business Analyst the applicant shall have the option of appealing the decision to the CFMW Board of Directors.

    Appellants must submit their appeal request in writing within 30 days of notification of the application rejection.

    The CFMW Board of Directors shall respond, in writing, to the appellant within 10 business days from the receipt of the appeal request.

  2. Appeal of Loans under $150,000

    For loans under $150,000, the decision of the CFMW Board of Directors is final. If the application is subsequently rejected by this review, the applicant shall have no further course of appeal.

    The Board of Directors will either confirm the decision by the Lending Program or request the Lending Program re-evaluate the application based on written rationale.

  3. Appeal of Loans over $150,000

    The CFMW Board of Directors approves all loans over $150,000. If an applicant wishes to appeal a decision for a loan over $150,000 the appeal will be referred to an external appeal process set out in section 9.3

  4. Independent Client Service Review

    a. If a party is not satisfied with an outcome for a loan over $150,000, from the respective Community Futures office, the decision may be appealed through the “Independent Client Service Review” Committee. The party must complete the “Independent Client Service Review Form” and submit the form to the Chairperson of the CF Board of Directors in question. The Chair of the respective Community Futures office will, within 3 working days, submit the “Independent Client Service Review” Form to the Independent Client Service Review Committee Chair.

    b. The Independent Client Service Review Committee Chair, and one alternate, are elected annually at an Island Coastal Chairs and Managers Meeting. When requested to do so, and if there is no conflict, the ICSRC Chair will form a committee of three individuals from the Island Coastal Group. Committee members can include: volunteers, managers or business analysts. Members should have a good understanding of Community Futures lending programs. If the Chair is in conflict, e.g. the appeal is from their CF, the Chair will request that the “alternate Chair” handle that particular appeal.

    c. The Chair and their Committee shall consider whether or not due process was followed. This may not necessarily change the decision or final outcome.

    d. The ICSRC may uphold, partially uphold or not uphold the appeal. Additionally they may make recommendations to the CF regarding loan policy or process and also redress to the appellant.

    e. The Chair will communicate the ICSRC’s recommendation to the respective Community Futures office.

    f. The Chair will also communicate, in writing, the ICSRC’s recommendation to the Appellant.